Even in Brokenness, There’s Jesus

3 min readFeb 7, 2024


A man sleeping with unpaid bills on his chest
Courtesy of Pexels

The Bible in Matthew 28:20 promises us that we will never walk alone, for God will always be by our side till the end of times. Truth is, sometimes it’s hard to believe and trust that promise. Especially the seasons where you hit dead ends, rock bottoms, the wilderness, and phases of brokenness. But, I assure you, even in that brokenness, there’s Jesus, whether you feel it or not.

I used to be afraid of things falling apart and I did everything possible to ensure that never happened. But the thing about life is that things will often fall apart. That’s why God is in control and we aren’t. Things are meant to fall apart to remind you that you need to lean on God and not on your understanding.

When my brother died, I was devastated. It was a different kind of heartbreak that can’t be explained. I couldn’t understand how a loving God could take away my only brother. His Word and promises didn’t make any sense to me during this period. I didn’t want to hear anything about Him. But God is patient, that’s why He is God and I’m not.

God can’t be explained; He can only be experienced. When things fell apart and everything came crashing down with my brother’s death, God stepped up. I can’t describe how God worked and showed up in this season to show how much He loved my brother and my family.

God indeed works in mysterious ways. God showed me that He was right there from the moment my brother breathed his last throughout the grieving period. He revealed Himself in ways that wouldn’t have worked except for during this season. And through that season, I now understand that God loves me, not just because the Bible says so, I know it from experience. I got a revelation of who God is, and His promises, and our intimacy grew deeper. When I sing and tell you it’s well with my soul, I know what I’m talking about. When I tell you God is good all the time, I know it because I have lived it. I’m living proof that He’s real, good, loving, and everything He says He is.

When God told Moses that He is the I am that I am, it seems like a general concept. But, that’s a powerful statement. God will become whoever you need Him to be during any situation you face in this life. You need comfort, He’s your comforter. You need strength, He’s your strength. You need provision, He’s your provider. You need healing, He’s your healer. Whatever you need, He is. God isn’t just a verb He does, He is a noun, He is.

And He is right there with you through whatever you’ll ever encounter in this life. As believers, we are never walking alone. He is with you through the good and bad times, through the storms, and the valley of the shadows of death. When all comes crashing down, He is right there to hold you and carry you.

In the waiting, in the searching, in the loss, pain, heartbreak, and shame, He is there, whether you feel Him or not. Even in the brokenness, there’s Jesus. He goes before you, behind you, and surrounds you.

If you’re currently going through a season where you’re doubting whether God cares about you or not, questioning His promises and plans for your life, I urge you to choose to see. Choose to see that He’s a present help in times of trouble. Choose to see that He’s right there with you taking you through whatever season you’re in. Choose to see that He’s working out things for you. Choose to see His goodness, love, tenderness, and faithfulness.

Never once are you ever walking alone. He has never left your side and He’s not about to start today.




A freelancer; addicted to stories, books, words and cats. I also write informational pieces on cats and dogs for pet owners.